Limestone Educational Outreach Initiative

The Indiana Department of Transportation agreed to grant funds to the Monroe County Historic Preservation Board of Review for an Educational Outreach Initiative as part of the commitment to mitigate adverse effects to historic limestone districts identified along the route of I-69 (Section 5) through Monroe County, Indiana. In the development of a proposal for such an initiative, the Review Board deliberated how to utilize the limited mitigation funds to best offset the loss of cultural resources. Accordingly, the Board consulted with several regional organizations already engaged in the preservation of the county’s limestone heritage. Board members unanimously agreed that any effort should directly address the importance of the threatened resources, namely those aspects of the cultural landscape that have the capacity to relate the story of the limestone industry and its importance in Monroe County and local regional history.

This website is intended to provide limestone-related educational material will be used by educators interested in curriculum development, as well as others interested in learning about Indiana’s limestone heritage.

CONTACT the Monroe County Historic Preservation Board

Monroe County Historic Preservation Board of Review
Monroe County Planning Department
501 N. Morton Street, Suite 224
Bloomington, IN. 47404

Phone: 812.349.2560
Fax: 812.349.2967

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